Prenatal Care

The traditional root of the word midwife means ” with woman”.  As such, prenatal care with a midwife is a fundamentally different experience than what you would expect to have with an obstetrician.  Appointments do not solely focus on the baby but the expectant Mother as well using a holistic approach of mind, body, and soul.


Midwife Responsibility

During the initial appointment, I will perform an initial interview to discuss our personal feelings and philosophies about birth and each of our responsibilities within the process.  Subsequent prenatal visits will be scheduled in the following intervals:

  • At least one visit every month up to 32 weeks.
  • One visit every two weeks up until 36 weeks.
  • After 36 weeks, visits will be performed weekly until birth.

During these visits, the following prenatal services will be performed to ensure a healthy, low risk pregnancy:

Blood pressure Your blood pressure is taken during each visit, noted in your chart and compared against previous results.
Fundal HeightThe Fundal height is the measurement of the size of the uterus to assess fetal growth and development during pregnancy. This measurement is taken from the top of the pubic bone to your uterus using a small measuring tape.
Fetal Heart TonesToward the end of the first trimester, it is possible to hear fetal heart tones using instruments such as a stethoscope, fetoscope or doppler.
Assessment of Nutrition and DietA healthy, well-balanced diet is extremely important during pregnancy. We will discuss dietary needs and any questions or concerns you may have
Urine TestThese tests are very important in ensuring your health during the pregnancy. This will provide results for proteins, glucose, nitrites, leukocytes, blood and ketones.

In addition to the above, I will:

  • Provide educational resources and/or information appropriate for each stage of the pregnancy.
  • Perform or refer lab work and review results.
  • Provide routine prenatal evaluation and refer for any findings which are out of our scope of practice
  • Document and maintain accurate records of mother’s care including medical history, lab test results, physical exams and prenatal visits, any referrals to other medical providers and labor, birth and postpartum care.
  • Provide access of all records to the client as needed.
  • Provide support in regards to the mother’s physical, mental and emotional changes and/or refer for any serious conditions.
  • I will be available for phone consultations at any time.

Patient Responsibility

  • Accept responsibility for making decisions about your care and the care of your baby.
  • Attend a childbirth class and/or make a dedicated effort to study suggested readings to improve your knowledge of the birth process.
  • Provide honest feedback to me about your condition and concerns.  Also communicate about what does and does not work in our relationship.
  • Secure all birth supplies and keep them in a safe and accessible place by 36 weeks and prepare your home for your birth.

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