Arts of Love Birth Services

Arts of Love Birth Services serves home birth/birth center families within Southwest Michigan to the Indiana border.  It is my firm belief that pregnancy and birth is a beautiful and natural process and should not be treated as a medical “event” or illness.  Throughout your journey, I will help provide you with the most up to date information, love, and support for you and your family to make informed decisions surrounding your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

It is my hope that our site will not only provide you information on the midwifery services we offer, but also provide education, articles and answer any questions you may have.  Please check back often as we will constantly be adding new content and information.  As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


An incredible and uplifting transformation continues to unfold in our country and communities bringing pregnancy and the birth experience back to its roots allowing women to make informed decisions to experience the beauty of childbirth in a comfortable surroundings; whether in the warmth of their own home or that of a relaxing birth center.”

Not long ago I had the opportunity to speak with a fellow midwife from the United Kingdom who was incredibly surprised and taken aback at the intense medical involvement in the United States with a woman’s pregnancy.  She went on to explain that midwives ran the obstetrics wards within the hospitals in the United Kingdom and doctors only involvement with the woman there was for necessary medical issues.  She had also been working at a birth center in the Philippines for the past few years as a missionary where midwives served the local families and provided all services to the communities.  It is interesting to note that according to the organization Save the Children, Finland and Sweden are two of the best countries to become a mother; both of which having some of the lowest neonatal fatality rates and exclusively utilize midwife services within their national healthcare systems.

The Homebirth Choice

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